В IPMS България получихме още една покана, която искаме да споделим с вас - 25-тата IPMS Nederland Euro Scale Modelling. Отново ще публикувам целия текст на поканата в оригинал за да не ставата грешки.
To the Board of IPMS-Bulgaria,
On behalf of the Board of IPMS Nederland, you are cordially invited to attend and take part in our main annual event, IPMS Nederland Euro Scale Modelling.
This event, formerly respectively known as “Nationals” and “Euro Scale Modelling”, will be organized for the 25th time this year on October 25, 2014
at the NBC (Nieuwegein Business Centre) at Nieuwegein, near the city of Utrecht, in the centre of the Netherlands.
The purpose of this event is promotion of our plastic modelling hobby, by bringing together clubs, Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, Traders
and Barterers and all others with an interest in plastic modelling. The event consists of a show, an open competition, as well as an extensive trade fair,
and attracts a high number of visitors, every year. There will be ample opportunity to exchange knowledge, skills and views, and to build on new and existing contacts.
The board of IPMS Nederland wishes to broaden the contacts with other IPMS organizations by exchanging periodic, articles and information on our
common passion: plastic modelling.
Kind regards,
Bruno Ghuijs Henk Hirs
ESM Coordinator Overseas contacts
esm@ipms.nl bestuur@ipms.nl
- Начало форум Изложби, конкурси / Exhibitions, competitions Изложби / Exhibitions and Events
- Дата и час: 17 Яну 2025, 13:44
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IPMS Nederland Euro Scale Modelling 2014
Изложбите на клуба и не само
- Мнения: 59
- Регистриран на: 21 Яну 2012, 00:50
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